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Reasons Why You're Smelling Bad Breath Behind Your Mask

two gold curves

You've probably become used to hiding your face behind a mask by now. It's part of your daily habit. In addition to preventing the spread of COVID-19, wearing a mask allows you to go shopping in your PJs without being recognised by strangers and keeps your face warm in the winter.

It's fashionable to wear a face mask because of the current pandemic. A variety of masks were created using creativity and design. Printed, patched, and even embellished versions are all available. But no matter how beautiful your mask is, it will not be able to hide the smell of your mouth from your own nose.

a woman in pink wearing a white face mask

Unfortunately, wearing a mask isn't for everyone. Some folks have reported smelling something foul from their mouths while wearing their masks. A foul breath smell isn't pleasant at all, let alone a horrible breath scent that lasts for several hours at a time. 

Keep reading to know why you might have a bad breath!

Reasons for Bad Breath Behind the Mask

There are a number of reasons why someone might have bad breath when they wear a mask. Here are a few of the most common explanations:

Poor Dental Hygiene

If you don't brush your teeth regularly, it's possible that the smell can seep from the mouth and enter your lungs. When this happens, you are not only smelling it through your own nose, but other people will notice it as well.

This is also a problem if you have gum disease or other oral issues. Wearing a mask will not protect your mouth from these odours as they come from inside your mouth. Seek medical attention for these problems and have them treated to cut down on the bad breath smell coming from behind your mask.

Alcohol Consumption

One of the most common reasons people smell bad breath behind their mask is due to alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it's capable of drawing water out of your mouth and throat through your saliva. If you've had a few too many drinks, you're more likely to have a dry mouth, and that can lead to an unpleasant odour.

Smoking and Chewing Tobacco

Tobacco products contain thousands of chemicals that can harm your oral health and cause bad breath. Smoking cigarettes not only increases your risk for cancer but also causes tooth yellowing, gum disease, and bad breath. Chewing tobacco is also linked to bad breath, tooth decay, and oral cancer.

Dry Mouth

Saliva is important for neutralising the acids that form dental plaque. When there's not enough saliva to do its job, the acids will break down tooth enamel and cause cavities. Dry mouth can also be caused by certain medications, radiation therapy, or salivary gland problems.

Food and Drinks

Certain foods and beverages can cause bad breath too. Garlic, onions, coffee, and alcohol are all known for their unpleasant smells. If you're eating or drinking these things before putting on your mask, there's a good chance that you'll be able to smell them coming from your mouth.

Take Action Now to Stop Bad Breath!

If your breath is noticeably bad, you should take action to improve it. One way to combat smelly breath is to brush your teeth and tongue with a toothpaste that contains baking soda. This will help kill the bacteria in your mouth that causes the stench. If you have the time, you can also gargle with hydrogen peroxide. This will help kill any remaining germs in your mouth and whiten your teeth at the same time.

It’s important to note that if you have more serious oral health problems like gum disease or cavities, these methods might not be enough to help. If this is the case, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible. In very rare cases, dental surgery might be needed to restore oral health and get rid of bad breath for good. Please call 02 6290 0055 to book an appointment.

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