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7 Dental Health Tips for the Holiday Season

two gold curves

The holiday season is usually synonymous with lots and lots of delicious food and treats.

It’s the time of the year when everyone – even those who’ve been extremely careful about what they put in their mouths for the most part of the year – feels tempted to let their guard down and embark on a cheat day binge to enjoy their favourite delicacies without any guilt whatsoever.

Some are able to resist the temptation, while others are not.

blue toothbrush with crystal toothpaste

The thing is, the holidays are a time for celebration with family and friends, not to damage your beautiful smile or the health of your teeth and gums —even your local dentist will tell you so!

We understand that it’s hard to say focused, but we want to encourage you to stick to good dental health habits no matter how tempting it is to overindulge.

Here are a set of tips to help keep your smile in tip-top shape over the holidays without compromising on the fun and enjoyment.

Maintain Your Usual Routine

The hustle and bustle of the holidays can upset your schedule, but it’s important to stick to your daily oral health routine no matter how hard it is. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and don’t forget to floss after every meal.

Stay Clear of Sugary Foods (Or At Least Limit Your Consumption)

With the abundance of mouth-watering desserts and sweet snacks on Christmas, it’s incredibly difficult to resist the temptation of indulging yourself with these tasty treats that are only available once a year. If manageable, stay clear of any sugary foods as they are bad for your teeth and gums. However, if you really can’t help it, it’s okay to eat sweets as long as you pay mind to how many you consume, and as long as you brush and floss after eating them.

Always Bring a Compact Teeth Cleaning Kit

Most people spend a lot of time outside of their homes during the holiday season to attend work parties, meet with friends, go holiday shopping, and more. If you’re one of them, you should always bring a compact teeth cleaning kit with you so that you can care of your teeth even when you’re away from home.

Drink Water - Lots of It!

Water is great for your body, but it’s also good for your teeth and mouth! Drinking water (especially fluoridated drinking water) keeps your mouth clean, strengthens your teeth, fights dry mouth and bad breath, and helps you stay hydrated. It also doesn’t contain any calories or sugar, so it’s the perfect beverage of choice for holiday meals.

Avoid Smoking or Drinking

Smoking weakens your immune system and causes you to produce more gum disease-causing bacterial plaque. Meanwhile, alcohol slows down the production of saliva and dries up your mouth. Even if you’re a non-smoker or non-drinker who just wants to have a smoke/drink or two during the festivities, it’s best to just simply avoid both.

Don't Forget to Visit Your Dentist!

We know the holiday season is very busy and it can be difficult to maintain a normal schedule once December starts, but that’s not an excuse to delay your visit to the dentist.

If you are due for a teeth cleaning appointment, preventive dental care exam, or need to get some general or preventative dentistry work done, don’t forget to visit your dentist before or after the holidays.

If you have any questions or want to book an appointment, feel free to contact us today.

a dentist and her dental assistant
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